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The worlds most powerful royalty calculator
Complete your revenue ingestion and royalty reports in minutes, not weeks, and breathe a huge sigh of relief.
See Molten Cloud
1 click
Automated royalty Calculation done in just the click of a button. It's that easy.
1 click
Automated royalty Calculation done in just the click of a button. It's that easy.
Core Offerings
Isn't it time to upgrade?
One-Click Royalty Calculations
Automate royalty calculations with a single click, eliminating manual calculations and reducing the risk of errors. It's that easy.
Automated Revenue Management
Ingest and manage revenue data automatically, ensuring that all financial information is accurately recorded and easily accessible.
Eliminate Redundant Workflows
Set it and forget it. Map revenue fields to your contracts, rights, and library data once and the system will remember next time.
All Your Revenue in One Place
Consolidate all revenue data in one place, providing a comprehensive view of your financial health and performance.
Ensure 100% Accuracy
Enjoy peace of mind. Comprehensive data health tools and smart mapping ensure royalty calculations are 100% accurate every time.
Streamline Your Royalties